Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hatian Nightsongs (Real Theaters)

Dust and Forbearance in Haiti

Fires burned near the shoreline, but otherwise the city fell into darkness i
Stunned people wandered the streets holding hands. ii
Thousands gathered in public squares long after nightfall, singing hymns." ii
Even when the daylight came... iii
A blanket of dust rising from the valley. iv

i NY Times
ii Daily News
iii New Yorker Amy Davidson
iv Kristie van de Wetering

Daybreak, Why Again?

"Fires burned near the shoreline, but otherwise the city fell into darkness" (NY Times)
All along the shoreline, embers receded as memory
Strewn walking, as the literal zombie
Through the long hole (we crawled through the hole from the fire to the shore)
C'etait deux miles d'accroissement, deux miles sur les genoux, deux miles monsieur
Through the long hole, from the city- center
Which leads to the shore,

lick the last bit of fire
crawl back (ino the hole, along its rust deposits)
and reappear at daybreak
why, see the fire next time
Daybreak, why again?

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